Today, the world has changed, therefore, our priorities and needs have changed too. Today we have to answer to a change within us, at the organizations and at the society in order to build a new and better life.
From that perspective it is of vital importance to implement concrete practices to allow the developing of people’s new abilities and aptitudes because it is from that point that both people and organizations will be able to adapt better and faster to the change.
The good new is that all those abilities and aptitudes are within us, we do not need to search for these ouside, we must go inside ourselves, so, from our own potential, develop a better version of us.
This inner discovery requires to broadening our gaze, towards a more integrative gaze of the human being, where we not only understand us as beings with a body, a mind and emotions but we also incorporate to this triad, a connection with all what is around us.
Our inspiration and engine it is to be an active contribution for the society; and for that purpose we have a proven methodology, where there is a before and an after the trainings, besides counting with a know how of more than 30 years of experience in the development of the human potential.
We have professionals of excellence that have a holistic and comprehensive view of the being.
Our lines of action

Research that surprises us

Book “We are Love”
The door to the CHANGEThe book is the methodological basis of all our workshops.
The construction of this book has the purpose to help people to find the source of their inner potential, making an invitation to reflection and to observe in ourselves and in the society to find all those limiting beliefs and internal obstacles that prevent us from being able to fully realize ourselves, thus giving, through this book, easy and practical tools in order to be able to free ourselves and this way, expand our own potential, building a more conscious life.
In 2020 Daphne makes a new edition of WE ARE LOVE, incorporating the use of the colour and new practical tools to refresh the book, giving it more joy and more life to this invitation of internal change, as a way to accompany the global and social processes that we all live after the pandemic. WE ARE LOVE is a guide to your own light.
“Reflections” and “Who am I” it is something that has stayed with me for life.
Corporate Human Resources Manager CCU
I believe that the book has a chapter very necessary for these times, the idea of learning to learn and learning to unlearn are very current and key for these times.
Corporate Human Resources Manager CCU